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Welcome to the Home of the Allegheny Division


A word from your LTG...
Hey everyone! I hope that all of your semesters are going by smoothly. I just want to say how proud I am of all of the good work that our Awesome Allegheny Division has done. We have increased our membership count and our service hour total rocks! Don't forget that the DCON registration deadline is quickly approaching. I encourage all of you to attend. It is going to be a good time. Don't forget that you can contact me anytime about anything.
- Andrea

Dues Dues Dues
Don't forget that dues are now starting to be collected for District and for International. Make sure to mail both amounts into International. The send them to: Organizations and Programs, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN, 46268. Remember, that one of the PACK goals for this year is for every club to increase their membership by at least 10%. You all can do it, I know you can!

2002-2003 District Board Info:
SheaBrianna Christilaw
5830 Fifth Avenue, Apt 2-1
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
AIM: SheaBriana

Sarah Bond
126 Beaver Hall
University Park, PA 16802
AIM: SarahBond

Amy Brown
916 Vine Street
Middletown, PA 17057
AIM: mos759

Angela Drake
Dickison College/HUB 549
College and Louther Street
Carlisle, PA, 17103
717-240-3896 or 717-250-1925 (cell)
AIM: AbionaSashenka

Allegheny LTG:
Andrea Cuda
416 S. Shenandoah Drive
Latrobe, PA 15650
724-539-3983 or 724-433-4487 (cell)
AIM: wldct32

Don't forget about those Monthly Reports.
Secretaries should be sending their monthly reports to me (your Lieutenant Governor), District Governor, District Secretary,and your sponsoring Kiwanis Advisor. Vice - Presidents should also be sending out their reports to me (your Lieutenant Governor), District Govenor, District Editor, and Kiwanis Advisor. Next Monthly report is due March 5, 2003 and, if you are using snail mail, it should be postmarked by the 3rd. This next one should include all hours and information from September.

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